Your sunscreen is liquid gold for these five reasons.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Tiktok have all highlighted how important sunscreen is to having a healthy skincare regimen. Regardless of your age or skin tone, using sunscreen every day should be a necessity, even if you don't have a complicated 10-step process. The elderly and children in your life should also frequently use it. We reside in the Middle East, where the scorching summer heat may really damage our skin, therefore this is much more important to us!

Here are five excellent arguments for using sunscreen every day:
defence against damaging UV rays

Sunscreens are primarily used to help shield your skin from UV radiation, which can damage your skin, cause sunburns, and raise your risk of developing skin cancer. High UV exposure can also result in wrinkles, sunspots, and accelerated ageing, even if vitamin D is essential. Sunscreen aids in all of the aforementioned.

maintains healthy, youthful skin

Depending on our skin type, our skin might be extremely oily or dry and brittle in the summer. However, using sunscreen after moisturising will make our skin look young and radiant.

shields against skin cancer

One of the most prevalent forms of cancer is skin cancer, which can be brought on by prolonged exposure to UV rays. Sometimes, until you wake up the next day with peeling, red skin, you won't realise that you've been sunburned. Your skin may become irreversibly damaged by repeated exposure. Regular use of sunscreen can lower the chance of getting skin cancer. Sunscreen is necessary to keep the immune system of your skin healthy.

minimises hyperpigmentation and eliminates dark circles

Hyperpigmentation, or the darkening of some parts of the skin, is a result of UV radiation exposure. Sunscreens can help level out your skin tone by minimising areas of uneven or discoloured skin.

stops early ageing

Skin sagging, wrinkles, and fine lines can all be signs of accelerated ageing brought on by UV radiation exposure from the sun. By lowering the generation of free radicals that damage and age skin, regular use of sunscreen aids prevent premature ageing.
There are two types of sunscreen; Mineral and Chemical. Choose your best fit.

Mineral and chemical sunscreens are the two varieties available. Select the fit that works best for you.
In addition, bear the following in mind when using sunscreen:
•Use sunscreen anywhere the sun may come into contact. Use SPF lip balm to cover your lips, arms, legs, neck, and face to provide complete body protection from the sun.

• When applying sunscreen, abide by the "two-finger rule." Squeeze a line of product down your index and middle fingers for your face and neck in a single application.

• Use it frequently throughout the day. For optimal protection, have a tube of sunscreen on you at all times, especially while you're out and about. Reapply every two to three hours.
•Use sunscreen even if you won't be outside, especially if you'll be spending a lot of time in the car, at a window, or even in an office with bright lighting. Although windowpane glasses are intended to absorb UVB radiation, UVA radiation that can damage skin is sometimes not blocked by them.

• Regularly apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher that is suitable for children.

•To protect your skin if you want to swim, choose specialised waterproof sunscreen—which should not be mistaken with water-resistant sunscreen.

This summer, there isn't a more useful or fashionable accessory than a decent SPF 30–50 sunscreen tube. Thus, before it's too late, dash to the store and purchase one for yourself!


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