Military Detaining Former ISI Chief Faiz Hameed, Pending a Judicial Martial

Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed, the former head of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), has been placed under military prison while suitable disciplinary action is being taken against him.

The former officer is facing charges, and the Pakistan Army has started the Field General Court Martial (FGCM) process to deal with them.

This major advancement is a component of the military's internal accountability system.

In accordance with the Supreme Court's directives, the Pakistan Army conducted a thorough court of inquiry to determine whether the accusations made against Hameed in the Top City Case were accurate, according to Inter-Services Public Relations.

"Consequently, appropriate disciplinary action has been initiated against Lt Gen Faiz Hameed (Retd), under provisions of Pakistan Army Act," it added. 


Furthermore, according to ISPR, numerous cases of post-retirement violations of the Pakistan Army Act have also been documented. "The process of Field General Court Martial has been initiated and Lt Gen Faiz Hameed (Retd) has been taken into military custody," said the statement.

The claims

The Pakistan Army claimed earlier this year that it had opened an investigation against the retired general in response to claims made by Moeez Khan, the proprietor of Top City society.

Khan had filed a case against Faiz Hameed at the Supreme Court, and the court granted his request to have the case looked into. The Supreme Court ruled in November 2023 that Faiz Hameed's accusations were grave and could not be disregarded. The petitioner claimed that Hameed abused his position of power and responsibility.

According to those with knowledge of the event, the army formed an inquiry committee to look into the allegations made against Faiz Hameed. The group was headed by a major general. The Supreme Court gave the order for the investigation to be carried out.


According to its ruling, the Supreme Court used its authority under Article 184(3) and stated that the petitioner's complaint will be handled legally.

The investigation began with a petition that the private housing society's owner submitted, describing events that he said involved Faiz Hameed and his friends, Brigadier (retd) Naeem Fakhar, Brigadier (retd) Ghaffar, and Irtiza Haroon.

The appeal

According to the petitioner, in May 2017, an ISI raid and a search on the society's office and a resident's residence resulted in the seizure of cash, gold, and diamonds as items related to a terrorism investigation.

The petitioner claims that after an acquittal, attempts were made to settle the issue by the brother of Lt Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed. Then, according to reports, Hameed spoke with a brigadier and offered to give back some of the stuff that had been taken during the raid, but he kept most of the gold and money.

In addition, the petitioner claimed that retired ISI personnel had coerced him into making a large monetary payment and supporting a private television network. The petition also included the names of other people who were reportedly involved in the affair.

It was discovered during court proceedings that the case had been previously heard by the Supreme Court's Human Rights Cell and that Saqib Nisar, the former top judge of Pakistan, had ordered the destruction of pertinent documents. Nonetheless, the Supreme Court recommended that the petitioner take the case further via the proper channels, pointing out that accusations of malicious prosecution might be handled by civil or criminal courts.

The court also observed differences in how the housing plan cases were handled under former Chief Justice Saqib Nisar.


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